Lost fob
Please follow the instructions below in the event your fob has been lost. There is a $10 replacement charge for lost fobs.
- Notify the Office of Student Affairs via email.
- Email must include your Name, UFID and Class.
- Upon notification, a replacement request will be submitted to UF Health Facilities Administration. Replacement fob requests are typically completed in 3-5 business days.
- Please note:
- Once the request has been submitted, the old fob will be automatically deactivated.
- For security purposes, UF Health Shands only allows a 1:1 student-fob ration. The Office of Student Affairs does not have temporary fobs available.
- When Facilities Administration completes the replacement fob order, you will be notified via email. Following notification, you must complete the following:
- Print the Cash Deposit Form and complete #2, #12, #13 and #14
- Take the printed form to the Cashier (number 6) on the 1st floor of the UF Health Shands North Tower, next to Admissions and pay the $10 replacement fee
- Present the signed Cashier form to the Office of Student Affairs to receive the new fob
Broken fob
Please follow the instructions below in the event your fob has been broken. Broken fobs must be returned to avoid paying the $10 replacement fee.
- Notify the Office of Student Affairs via email.
- Email must include your Name, UFID and Class.
- Upon notification, a replacement request will be submitted to UF Health Shands Facilities Administration. Replacement fob requests are typically completed in 3-5 business days.
- Please note:
- Once the request has been submitted, the old fob will be automatically deactivated.
- For security purposes, UF Health Shands only allows a 1:1 student-fob ration. The Office of Student Affairs does not have temporary fobs available.
- When Facilities Administration completes the replacement fob order, you will be notified via email. Following notification, you may pick up the replacement fob from the Office of Student Affairs.
- If you do not return the broken fob, you will not be able to pick up the replacement fob, and must follow Lost fob #2 instructions.
Fob access for scrub machines and/or hospital doors
Please follow the instructions below in the event you are experiencing any access barriers with you fob.
- Notify the Office of Student Affairs via email.
- Email must include your Name, UFID and Class.
- Please include brief description of the issue and where the issue occurred
- If the includes scrub machines, please hold your fob against the machine and record the error number listed.